

Love Inc. Office Has Moved

The Love in The Name of Christ of Southern Chautauqua County (Love INC) office has moved. The office is now located at 221 Hopkins Ave., Jamestown. The agency’s telephone numbers remain the same: Connection Center 716-338-9705 and Business Office 716-338-9828.

Prevention Works Offers Free Parenting Sessions

Prevention Works and the Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County (MHA) are partnering to provide parenting sessions. Tracy Jesperson, Prevention Works parenting facilitator, will be leading Triple P Parenting discussion groups for parents or caregivers of children ages birth to 12 years of age. Topics include dealing with disobedience, developing good bedtime routines, hassle-free shopping, and fighting and aggression. Triple P Parenting is a scientifically researched family support strategy designed to help parents improve their parenting skills, increase confidence, and build positive relationships with their children. Discussion groups are being offered free of charge through a grant from the United Way of Southern Chautauqua County. Groups will be held at the Mental Health Association, 31 Water St., Suite 7, in Jamestown, from 10 a.m. to noon Thursdays. Zoom option is available upon registering. To register call Jesperson at 716-664-3608 or email tracy@preventionworks.us

Sewing Items Now Available

STOW — North Harmony Seniors, 5377 Stow Road, is offering for free four sewing machines, three steam irons, two ironing boards, fabric and yarn to club members Friday and Saturday, June 23 and 24, and to non-members on June 24, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. For more information, call 716-789-4166.

Library To Kick Off Summer Reading Program

LAKEWOOD — The Lakewood Memorial Library will kick off its summer reading program with a pizza party and petting zoo on Saturday between 11 a.m. and 1 p.. Attendees can register for the 2023 “All Together Now” summer reading program and learn about the library’s lineup of summer programs and events including reading challenges, STEAM workshops, family fun and guest presenters. Participants who log the most minutes read over the summer will be eligible for prizes. The Lakewood Memorial Library is located at 12 W. Summit St., Lakewood.

JHS Class Of 1973 To Hold 50th Reunion

The Jamestown High School Class of 1973 will celebrate its 50th reunion the weekend of July 14-15. On July 14 the group will gather for a mix and mingle at the Chautauqua Harbor Hotel, outside at the Carousel Bar. July 15 there will be a tour of the Robert H. Jackson Center at 10 a.m. and a tour of Jamestown High School at 11:30 a.m. No reservations are needed. There will be discounts for out-of-town classmates to visit the National Comedy Center.  July 15 is the class celebration at Comedy Center Park behind the National Comedy Center. There will be a cash bar, music, dancing, a comedian and dinner. For more information and payment options contact Sherry McCanna Schutter at smschutter@yahoo.com or see the JHS Class of ’73 Facebook page. The deadline for registration is July 1.


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