
In Our Opinion

Unsatisfied With New York School System

It’s a fair question, because the person leading the state’s school system is getting a $155,000 a year raise to oversee a state educational system that spends the most in the nation — with raises like hers it’s easy to see why, by the way — while attaining middling educational ...

School District’s Immigration Letter Shouldn’t Have Been Needed

Parents in the Jamestown Public Schools District last week received a letter from the district detailing what someone who is the subject of an Immigrations and Customs Enforcement action should do. Such a letter shouldn’t have been necessary in the first place given the limitations Dr. ...

5&2 Ministries Trying To Fill An Ever-Widening Gap

There are a lot of wonderful groups in our community dedicated to feeding the hungry. We’re written about a lot of them over the past several months - Conduit Ministries, the St. Susan Center, Chautauqua County Rural Ministries, countless church food pantries and, most recently, the ...

Persistence Pays Off For Falconer

Persistence is finally paying off for the village of Falconer. Since 2017, village officials have been either demolishing, cleaning up or preparing for new development the sites of two fires that, all told, destroyed four mixed-used commercial properties, displaced six businesses and 16 ...

Preservation Ordinance Will Only Preserve Historic Blight

Passage of a Local Preservation Ordinance has popped up on the City Council’s agenda tonight - and in our opinion council members should tread lightly on this ground. For starters, the ordinance includes reference to a Jamestown Preservation Board, a board that to our knowledge doesn’t ...

Save Social Media Platform TikTok — Then Let It Go

ByteDance, a Chinese firm that the federal government says is essentially a front for the Chinese government, owns the popular social media platform TikTok, which is used by an estimated 170 million Americans. That’s a national security threat, says Congress, which last year passed a law ...