
In Our Opinion

Teachers’ Focus Remains On History, Not ‘Indoctrination’

Just about every adult in America who attended a public school has passed through a history class, and maybe they had an aptitude for the subject, had a teacher who inspired them to dig deeper, or were turned off completely by a clock-punching instructor who offered little more than a dry ...

County’s Handling Of Sex Offenders From Out Of State Must Change

Four times, people convicted of sex crimes have challenged the way Chautauqua County classified them under the Sex Offender Registration Act when they moved here. Four times those challenges have been upheld by the Fourth Department Appellate Division, the appeals court that hears cases from ...

Immigration Isn’t Always A Dirty Word

Eighty-four years ago, Robert H. Jackson welcomed the Immigration and Naturalization Service into the U.S. Department of Justice. Jackson’s remarks were short, but something the then-U.S. Attorney General said during that June 14, 1940, address to the civil servants being welcomed into the ...

DEC Must Pay Attention To Mounting Questions

North Harmony is the latest Chautauqua Lake adjacent municipality to pass a resolution opposing wetlands regulations proposed by the state DEC. Town residents asked a lot of good questions - including some that haven’t come up yet - that include whether or not the Army Corps of Engineers ...

County Executive Gets Realistic On Fly Car, Safety Net Costs

We’re glad to see funding for two vital programs properly funded in this year’s county budget proposal by County Executive PJ Wendel. The first is the county fly car program, which hasn’t met its budget since the county began the program in 2017. The program was billed as being ...

Repurposing Gun Violence Unit Money Works Out In Long Run

Mayor Kim Ecklund and Tim Jackson, city police chief and public safety director, announced last week the city is officially repurposing American Rescue Plan Act funding that had been set aside to form a gun violence unit inside the Jamestown Police Department to instead renovate the ...