

Stillwater Church Marks 25 Years

​ Call it twenty-five years, two and a half decades, a quarter century or 9,132 days. Whatever you call it, the people of Koinonia Christian Fellowship are excited and ready to celebrate their church’s big anniversary in many ways. One of those ways is the creation of a cookbook. Church ...

Picnic Season In Hickory Heights

Picnics took on various purposes through the years. Sometimes we had picnics when the men were working. That meant that either my sister-in-law and her family traveled or we did. In those days we ran two farms together. When the men worked at the lower farm, the picnic was there. When they ...

Once Upon A Time In Falconer

Once upon a time, long ago now, I spent a lot of of time in the City of Falconer, which I found to be a magical little place. It was the home of my mother’s sister and her little family of four, and they were ensconced on a tiny little street named Grace, which at the time was inhabited by ...

You’re A Grand Old Flag

One of my favorite projects that I had my students take part in. for maybe about the last ten years of my career, was our annual tribute to one of the symbols of our country, our Red, White and Blue, our Stars and Stripes, our Banner of Freedom, our American Flag. The idea of a Flag Day ...

Forget-Me-Not Isn’t Only A Flower

Of all the things I’ve lost I miss my mind the most. I wish that old cliche were not so appropriate. I don’t know who said that first, but he or she was a perceptive genius, and definitely over sixty – the age when chronic forgetfulness moves in permanently. What are you saying to ...

Alito Has An ‘Obligation To Sit’

Congratulations to Chief Justice John Roberts, who responded to importuning Senators by letting Justice Samuel Alito respond for himself. Justice Alito’s reply on Wednesday: He has “an obligation to sit” on cases under the Supreme Court’s code of conduct. Sens. Dick Durbin and Sheldon ...