

Domestic Violence Is Not Just Physical

Domestic violence is no stranger to our society and especially not a stranger to our community here in Chautauqua County. The term “domestic violence”, however, has begun to take on a different meaning over the past few decades. As a society, through many awareness and advocacy efforts, we ...

If Heaven Is Joyous, Pets Will Be There

If Heaven is a happy place, then my dogs will be there with me. Last week, it became time to put down our quiet, dependable collie/beagle mix, Buddy. A year earlier, years, we had to bid farewell to Ralph, our loopy, goofy, Lab/Aussie mix, also age 12. Eventually, I will make that journey. ...

I’ve Only Got Two Shoulders

Every time I start writing a column, I end up explaining how hard things have been lately. It seems like they’ve been just plain hard for eons. First, there was COVID, then there was more COVID, then there was politics, and division, and anger, and war. It gets a little heavy to hold up on ...

Charles Atlas, Muscles And Genders

There is an amusing side to asking, “What is your definition of a woman, Denny?” I do not answer right away. I have to wait until I stop chuckling. I chuckle because I remember how at age 12 or 13 this testosterone-overloaded boy first really noticed that some of the kids on the ...

Writer Takes To The Road To Visit People’s Convoy

It’s a long road from Randolph to Hagerstown, Md. My trip actually began when the Canadian Truckers Freedom Convoy started to roll toward Ottawa in January. When U.S. truckers started talking about organizing a convoy in solidary a few weeks later, I began paying attention and following ...

The Passing of a True Shepherd

I have been fortunate, in my life, to have served under, with, for, and alongside some truly great leaders, not just of organizations, but of men, women, and children. I have watched some of these people serve others willingly, unconditionally, unbegrudgingly, without judgement, and always ...