
Area Police Reports


— A 34-year-old mother is facing three counts of endangering the welfare of a child after a report that one of the youths was running unsupervised outside.

Jamestown Police report Tiffany M. Freedline, 34, of the city was located inside of her residence. Upon further investigation officers found the residence to be in deplorable conditions. She had three children total living in the residence. Officers observed the children to be barefoot, walking through and standing in animal feces and urine on the floors of the home. The age of the children and the noxious animal excrements inside of the residence led to the charges.

She was taken into custody on scene and transported to the Jamestown City jail pending arraignment.

— A reported stabbing by a 33-year-old city resident has led to additional charges by Jamestown police.

Just after 4 p.m. Tuesday, officers responded to an address on the East Side of the city for a stabbing. Upon investigation it was found that suspect, Craig Vanhook assaulted another male with a pipe then stabbed the victim with grilling tool.

Shortly after the incident, officers were able to locate Vanhook and placed him under arrest. He also was found to be in possession of a quantity of Fentanyl and Methamphetamine during the time of his arrest.

Due the victim’s lack of cooperation, he was charged with seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance. He was held pending arraignment and later released.

— A 35-year-old Cassadaga man is facing charges after being found asleep near Marvin Parkway and Main Street.

Around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, officers located 35-year-old Dakota J Gibbon and determined he was operating the motor vehicle in a drug impaired state. Dakota also had a suspended license. A search of the vehicle also located a quantity of narcotics. He was taken into custody and transported to Jamestown City Jail. He was charged with driving while ability impaired by drugs, second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation, being unlawfully stopped in the road and two counts of seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance.

— A domestic dispute has led to charges against a Cassadaga resident.

At 7 p.m. Friday, officers responded to a south side address in the city for a reported domestic dispute. Upon arrival, an officer spoke to Alexis Bonasera, 30, and the victim of the incident. During the course of the investigation, it was found that Bonasera had slashed 3 tires and keyed the victim’s vehicle. Bonasera was placed into custody and transported to Jamestown City Jail.

Bonasera was charged with third-degree criminal mischief and was held pending arraignment.

— At 9 p.m. Friday, city police responded to a reported domestic dispute. Upon arrival, it was found that Michael Haddad, 45, of Jamestown had taken the victim’s phone away while the victim was attempting to contact Police for help. Haddad was placed into custody and transported to Jamestown City Jail. He was charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief.

— At around 1:15 a.m. Saturday, officers observed Brent A. Robbins walking in the area of Cowden Place and Charles Street. Officers had knowledge that Brent had an extraditable warrant out of Pennsylvania.

Officers made contact with Robbins and placed him into custody without further incident.

A search of Robbins also revealed a quantity of heroin. He was transported to the Jamestown City Jail and charged with being a fugitive from justice and seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance. He was held in the Jamestown City Jail pending arraignment in the City Court.

— A 55-year-old individual is facing numerous charges after being heavily intoxicated during an erratic driving incident early Sunday.

Just after midnight, officers responded to a report of a erratic operator entering the city on Willard Street. After locating the vehicle near Peterson Street, officers observed the vehicle strike a parked car and continue driving westbound. Officers conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle and identified the operator to be Boyd D. Walker. He was placed under arrest for driving while intoxicated and through investigation it was determined that Boyd was operating a motor vehicle with a BAC of 0.32% — four times the legal limit.

Walker was also charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated, driving while intoxicated per se, and leaving the scene of a property damage accident. He was held in the Jamestown City Jail pending arraignment in the City Court.


— CHAUTAUQUA — Around 11:31 p.m. Friday, deputies responded to an address on Route 430 for a reported altercation. An investigation into the incident led to Zachary N. Burroughs, 27, being charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief and criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation. He was transported to the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office for processing and subsequently the Chautauqua County Jail for centralized arraignment.


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