

We The People Have A Problem

Letters To The Editor

To The Reader’s Forum: We the People have a problem. There is an unelected businessman, a private citizen-never even served as a public official in any capacity- who has breached part (USAID) of our US Government employment payment records and systems. Elon Musk’s team of college ...

5&2 Ministries Trying To Fill An Ever-Widening Gap

In Our Opinion

There are a lot of wonderful groups in our community dedicated to feeding the hungry. We’re written about a lot of them over the past several months - Conduit Ministries, the St. Susan Center, Chautauqua County Rural Ministries, countless church food pantries and, most recently, the ...

Persistence Pays Off For Falconer

In Our Opinion

Persistence is finally paying off for the village of Falconer. Since 2017, village officials have been either demolishing, cleaning up or preparing for new development the sites of two fires that, all told, destroyed four mixed-used commercial properties, displaced six businesses and 16 ...

Life Goes On!

Local Commentaries

When I was cleaning out one of my drawers, I came across this little folder. Of course, I took time to see what it was. It said it was favorite quotes from “Good Old Days” books. There were quotes from many noted people. One, interested me. It was from Robert Frost. It said, “In three ...