

Getting Old Is Bipartisan

Local Commentaries

I don’t know if you saw it recently, but two political leaders in the Congress from different political parties who are over 80 years of age fell and were injured. Apparently, mother nature doesn’t care if you are a Republican or a Democrat when you are getting old. Nancy Pelosi, the ...

Making Whine From Sour Grapes

Local Commentaries

We in Chautauqua County know all about grapes and wine, and for more than 150 years we supplied the world. But now we have a new product from individuals in CHQ who have perfected the art of Making Whine from Sour Grapes. The Sour Grapes were grown in the soil of the November election, where ...

Executive Orders Sidestep Necessity Of Compromise

In Our Opinion

Our concerns about the second Trump Administration’s executive actions on immigration are twofold: First, the White House should employ a greater focus on illegal immigration specifically and, second, executive orders violate the principles of our republic. As we noted in our editorials ...

Unsatisfied With New York School System

In Our Opinion

It’s a fair question, because the person leading the state’s school system is getting a $155,000 a year raise to oversee a state educational system that spends the most in the nation — with raises like hers it’s easy to see why, by the way — while attaining middling educational ...

We The People Have A Problem

Letters To The Editor

To The Reader’s Forum: We the People have a problem. There is an unelected businessman, a private citizen-never even served as a public official in any capacity- who has breached part (USAID) of our US Government employment payment records and systems. Elon Musk’s team of college ...