Editor’s Note: Harry R. Williams recently sent a copy of a letter he submitted to the Reader’s Forum in February 1968. “Contents important 60 years ago, more so today,” Mr. Williams noted in his letter.
To The Reader’s Forum:
The politically-conceived idea of a gun control law to ...
To The Reader’s Forum:
Look out for gobs of spin to derail Brett Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court. In rejecting the context, objectivity and original meaning of the text, the left makes the Constitution a dead document, but they spin their redefinition of words, exclusion of the context, ...
To the Readers Forum:
The recent publicity about Democratic socialism started me thinking about our touted capitalist system, and as I thought about it, I realized that our system is really a three legged base, consisting of capitalism, socialism and government regulations.
To see that ...
To The Reader’s Forum:
Having been born and raised in Maryland, I was deeply moved by the tragic death of the five staff members of the Capital Gazette in my State’s capital, Annapolis. Annapolis is a beautiful and peaceful city, which my wife and I visited often, since I was twice ...
To The Reader’s Forum:
Today we celebrate the arrival of the United States of America onto the world stage. As a member of American Legion Auxiliary Samuel L. Derby Post 556, I want to personally thank all servicemembers of the Armed Forces of the United States of America for their ...
To The Reader’s Forum:
The slow-motion horror of thousands of children who have suddenly lost their mommies and daddies, who are lost in unfamiliar surroundings with strangers who are not allowed to comfort them with a hug, and the agony of some of their parents, is only beginning.
Mark ...