
Furlow To Serve As Master Of Ceremonies

Kenneth C. Furlow

Kenneth C. Furlow will serve as master of ceremonies for Memorial Day events in Jamestown. Furlow has been active with many veteran organizations for more than 40 years and continues to work as a mentor and advocate for all veterans.

Furlow is the father of six children and many grandchildren and great grandchildren. He recently went to Parris Island, S.C., where he saw a grandson graduate from Marine Corps boot camp.

His active duty in the U.S. Marine Corps was from 1963 to 1966 and included service in Vietnam in 1964 and the Dominican Republic crisis of 1965, with a meritorious promotion to Corporal in 1966. He worked for and retired from the U.S. Postal Service and accrued more than 40 years of government service, which included his military service in the U.S. Marine Corps. After his retirement as postmaster of Greenhurst, he worked for Cummins Inc., Jamestown Engine Plant, and retired from there as an engineering technician.

Taking advantage of his GI Bill benefits, he continued his education while working for the Post Office. His education included Southwestern Central School, Jamestown Community College and the State College at Fredonia.

Furlow was born and raised in the Jamestown area and has dedicated most of his free time to the service of other veterans and their families. He belongs to several local organizations including the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, AMVETS (American Veterans), Vietnam Veterans, Marine Corps League, War Vets Recreation, Masons, Scottish Rites, Elks and Moose. He has been active with the Cummins Veteran’s Affinity Group and was one of the original members of the City Of Jamestown Veterans Memorial Commission, which created the Veterans Memorial at Tracy Plaza. He served as commander of the Ira Lou Spring Post 149 American Legion in Jamestown and commander of the John W. Tiffany Post 53 Veterans of Foreign Wars in Jamestown. He has also been president of the Jamestown United Veterans Council. Furlow participates regularly in giving honor to deceased veterans by being a part of military funerals and has been an active mentor for veterans in the Jamestown Veterans Court since its inception. He is now the acting mentor coordinator.


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