
Jackson Center Sets Webinar

The Robert H. Jackson Center will host Francine Hirsch, historian and professor, as its Al and Marge Brown Lecturer on World War II, scheduled as a free webinar on Monday, Feb. 8, at 3 p.m.

The webinar will focus on the research and history Hirsch uncovered to write her latest book, Soviet Judgment at Nuremberg: A New History of the International Military Tribunal After World War II. The book presents the first complete picture of the role of the Soviet Union in the Nuremberg Trials. Drawing on thousands of documents from the former Soviet archives, it reveals the unexpected contribution of Stalin’s Soviet Union to the International Military Tribunal and to the postwar development of international law. Hirsch is the Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a historian of Modern Europe with a specialization in Russia and the Soviet Union.

“Professor Hirsch is a welcome addition to the list of distinguished speakers we have invited to the Jackson Center for this lecture series,” said Kristan McMahon, Jackson Center president. “I am looking forward to discussing justice and judgment from the unique and typically overlooked perspective of the Soviet Union during the Nuremberg Trials and the role the Soviets played in the birth of international humanitarian law.”

Registration is required at roberthjackson.org. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions, and the webinar will be recorded and uploaded to the center’s YouTube channel.

The Al and Marge Brown Lecture Series on World War II was established in 2018 by an endowment gift from Phil and Mary Ann Zimmer to benefit the Jackson Center. Previous lecturers include Debbie Cenziper, The Washington Post investigative reporter; Dr. Gerald Popps, professor emeritus at West Virginia University; and Dr. Gerhardt Weinberg, American military historian.


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