
David and Donna Nichols

David & Donna Nichols

David and Donna Nichols of Gerry joyfully celebrated 60 years of marriage on June 22, 2023.

Their children, Holly Scrano of Tully Lake, N.Y.; Jill Ellis of Charlotte, N.C.; Jennifer Leidich of North Ridgeville, Ohio; Marty Nichols of Skaneateles, N.Y.; and Tonja Dodd of Westfield, N.Y., along with their spouses and children, threw a 60th anniversary open house in their parents honor on Saturday, June 17, at the Gerry Rodeo Grounds Conference Center in Gerry with nearly 100 family and friends in attendance.

An early romance video and another family life-in-pictures video, prepared by Dodd, was presented by their eldest granddaughter, Sophia Nichols, at the party. Oscar Nichols, brother of David, and Cindy Hall, sister of Donna, both added their recollections of David and Donna’s early courting days as part of the presentation.

A beautiful cake depicting a photo of the couple on their wedding day, along with gourmet baked goods, punch, coffee and beverages were served.

Members of their 1963 wedding party in attendance (besides Oscar and Cindy) included Howard Nichols of Akron, N.Y.; B. Steven Nichols of Sinclairville; and Nancy Salemme of Gerry.


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