

MR. And Mrs. Dennis Paul Stratton

Dennis Paul Stratton Sr. and Gayle Ann (Stearns) Stratton of Ashville, N.Y., celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Dec. 15, 2022.

They were married on Dec.15, 1972, at the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Ashville, N.Y.

Stratton is a life-long dairy farmer. Mrs. Stratton has worked in the U.S. Postal Service for 32 years, formerly in Stow, NY, and currently in Chautauqua, NY.

Stratton served in the Army Reserves. They members of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Ashville.

They have five children: William (Rachel) Stratton of Ashville, N.Y., Thomas (Sonya) Stratton of Sherman, NY, Dennis Jr. (Amy) of Lisbon, Ohio, Julie (Gilbrith) Dorman of Fairbanks, Alaska, and Randall of Middleburg, Pa. They have nine grandchildren; Christopher Stratton, Tyler Stratton, Aaron Stratton, Kylee Dorman, Sheldon Stratton, Brenton Stratton, Brayden Dorman, Jordan Stratton and Kaiden Stratton.

The family celebrated privately at Sprague’s Maple Farms in Portville, N.Y.


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