
Letters To The Editor

What’s The Status Of Airport Feasibility Study?

To The Reader’s Forum: On January 25, 2023, The Post-Journal published an article regarding funding another study to try to resurrect a commercial air service for Jamestown.(IDA Providing Partial Funding for Airport Study). Has anyone seen any follow-up to this article? Was the ...

Are Obscenities Really Needed At City Council?

To The Reader’s Forum: In 1953 I bought the most complete dictionary in America. Obscenities were not in it. Year by year, decade by decade, I have listened to the English language being progressively debauched and just about every aspect of society has become more crude, low class, rude, ...

May We Understand That All Life Is Valuable

To The Reader’s Forum: Those who advocate abortion act as though it is a lifestyle - a mindset - and they will use any tactic to deceive others into thinking it’s simply a “glob of tissue,” not a human being, not a child with an eternal soul. This is what happens when society denies ...

Who Are We To Judge?

To The Reader’s Forum: In recent weeks, there have been guest essays in the P-J delineating the sins of Donald Trump. Who are we to judge another person? Do we know the heart of any one else? Only God knows our true heart. Only God knows who has or hasn’t been reconciled to Him! If ...

Things Have Changed In A Few Short Weeks

To The Reader’s Forum: The state of the 2024 presidential election has changed since President Biden decided to drop his candidacy for president. There has been a tremendous surge for the Democrats in naming Kamala Harris (current VP) and Tim Walz (Governor of Minnesota) as their candidates ...

Pity The Poor White American Male

To The Reader’s Forum: In his latest nonsensical diatribe on the Trump assassination attempt, Mel McGinnis included the quote “Why so many female agents?” His response was the predictable diversity, equity, and inclusion. How dare women challenge undeserved male dominance! The ...