
Has A New Code Blue Shelter Location Revealed Itself?

To The Reader’s Forum:

They say that ‘timing is everything’. This couldn’t be more true during this past week. Current Post-Journal articles highlighting the need for “Code Blue” shelters and the county’s transitional housing program’s failures in Falconer/Jamestown prove an overwhelming need for temporary housing in the south county area.

In the same week, Lutheran announced that it is closing their 148 bed long term care facilities. Viola’, an instant solution to a county wide problem! Perhaps Lutheran could step up and help with their empty beds!

No more paying various places for transitional housing, nor paying for round-trip busing to Buffalo; leaving now-available rooms for tourists, winter sports enthusiasts, Chautauqua patrons, and National Comedy Center visitors.

As they say, ‘timing is everything’. Will the county and Lutheran take advantage of this win-win opportunity? ‘Time’ will tell.

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