

The Joy Of Mud

As part of an educator’s job at Audubon Community Nature Center, I act as a counselor for the camps Audubon offers, both week-long summer camps and single day camps on holidays when kids are off from school. It’s a fun job, seeing Audubon through the eyes of the kids and exploring the ...

Is Fifteen Percent Enough?

Only 15%. That’s approximately the amount of natural shoreline currently remaining on Chautauqua Lake. What does that mean for the lake’s ecosystem and its fish and wildlife communities? What does it mean for us, the people who live and recreate on the lake and depend on lake communities ...

Spring Starts And Stops

Audubon just wrapped up our last weekend of Audubon Lights, where colorful lights and scenes illuminated one of the trails so people can head out after dusk. My favorite statement and the one I heard more than any other by people on the trail that Sunday night was something along the lines ...

Nature Preserves And You

Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy is a nationally accredited land trust by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission, which is a mark of distinction showing that we meet the highest standards for land conservation. A crucial part of staying in good standing as a land trust is dutiful stewardship ...

Painting The Night With Light

Do you ever have one of those moments when you notice something out of the corner of your eye that doesn’t look quite right, so you glance over to see what is going on? That happened to me last weekend as I set up for Audubon Lights at Audubon. There was a log floating in the pond where ...

Just Hang On A Tick, We May Be Able To Help!

Ticks. Those pesky creatures that every hiker, dog owner, and outdoor enthusiast tries desperately to avoid. A lot of people think that planting more gardens or letting your grass grow higher will attract these little “buggers,” but that is not typically the case. Ticks are small, ...