

Road Ecology

There’s over 4 million miles of road in the United States. We are tied to our vehicles like they are a part of our family. We even name our vehicles. Roads and vehicles are logistically essential for our technologically advanced fast-paced lives. When I was growing up, getting your license ...

Keep The Lake A Lake

We all want to keep Chautauqua Lake a lake! No one wants the area by their dock to fill in and get shallower, whether from dead plant matter blown in by winds or mud carried in from a nearby road ditch. With so much discussion around New York State’s pending wetland regulations, seeing signs ...

Aurora Night Creates A Natural Light Show In Area

In hindsight, I don’t actually remember the last time that jaw literally hung open in awe. I forgot what it feels like to be so incredulous that you start to almost hum with excitement. The eclipse recently came close to producing that feeling, but not quite. Standing under a dark sky in ...

Dandelions – A First Sign Warm Weather

Spring is often associated with colorful bursts of flowers, but the appearance of many flowers tends to come in rounds and waves from the first warm days of March through the fall flowers of September. Their first appearance and their bright colors signal a shift in the weather, making them ...

Lending Nature A Helping Hand – One Project At A Time

Spring has seriously sprung these days, and the abundance of life around us is absolutely exhilarating. Within a few short weeks, trees leaf out, wildflowers liven up the forest floor, and returning migratory birds adorn the backyard with color and song during the day, while the nights are ...