

Intricacies In The Natural World

One of the things that I find fascinating is how little we know about how nature works. To be sure, there is a lot of information out there that we do know, but so much more is unknown. Some things are pretty basic. Many people know that a food chain consists of a plant that gets energy from ...

Bare Root

Bare root, you say? What in the world does that mean? Back in the day when plastic containers were not a thing, this was the way that trees were harvested, planted, or transplanted throughout the United States. Bare root trees are trees that are dormant and typically dug in the fall and stored ...

Wind Blowing In All Directions

The snow hasn’t stuck around for very long lately, but the blustering winds remain strong. Wind, of all speeds and coming from any direction, can affect all living things, but when it enters gale warning territory, trees get the most attention, and for a good reason. High winds result in ...

Wildlife And Winter

The winter cold is upon us, and it might have you worried about wildlife, wondering where they go or how they find food in our harsh winters. Wildlife in Western New York has survived cold winters for many thousands of years with a host of different adaptations to survive cold temperatures, ...

Adrift On The River Of Life

I wanted to write an article for you about setting goals for the year. It was going to be a practical and spiritual path to accomplish something for fun, for growth, and for self betterment. But I can’t write it. I feel like I should have a pile of resolutions and goals for the year, yet I ...

2023: A Year Of Change And Action

As we close out one year and look forward to another, let’s look back at 2023 and the accomplishments of the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy. In 2023, we learned from days of suffering from wildfire smoke that we here in western New York can’t hide from the deleterious impacts of climate ...