
Randolph Academy Adds Fusco To Board

Dr. Lynn Fusco

RANDOLPH – Randolph Academy, a two-campus public school district which supports, empowers and educates children struggling with various emotional and mental health disabilities, has added Dr. Lynn Marie Fusco to its board.

Fusco was superintendent and CEO of Erie-1 BOCES, where she served from 2015 until her retirement in 2022. Prior to BOCES, she served as superintendent of Alden Central School District for seven years, followed by three years with the Niagara Wheatfield Central School District. Her administrative experience also includes 10 years as director of Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel for the East Aurora Union Free School District, and three years as principal of the Pembroke Intermediate School.

In addition, Fusco has extensive experience as an instructor and special educator. She began her career as a special education teacher for 10 years with Aspire, part of the United Cerebral Palsy Association. She later held special educator roles with Royalton-Hartland Junior/Senior High School and Pembroke Junior/Senior High School. She also served as an adjunct instructor with the University at Buffalo, as well as a graduate course instructor and researcher with Buffalo State College.

“Dr. Fusco is a well-known, highly respected education expert, with decades of experience spanning several communities across Western New York,” said Randolph Academy Board President Mary Myers. “We’re so very pleased that our partners at New Directions identified her as a candidate, knowing our students, teachers and staff will all be well-served by her knowledge and counsel.”


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