
Clymer School Board Praises Graduation Ceremony

Clymer Central School’s Board of Education praised the graduation ceremony at their June meeting. P-J photo by Sara Holthouse

CLYMER — The school year has wrapped up for both students and teachers at Clymer Central School.

At the June board meeting, the Board of Education praised the graduation ceremony which took place on the night of June 21.

“I would just like to say I think graduation went very nicely,” Board member Mike Schenck said. “I was very pleased and thank you for allowing me to give Claire her diploma.”

Board Member Carole Siverling and Board president Ed Mulkearn also expressed their praise, saying it went smoothly and was seamless.

In her report, Superintendent Beth Olson added to the praise for the graduation ceremony, saying she thought it went well. Other end of the year activities are also happening, including June 26 being the last day for teachers and a retirement party that was held for retiring bus drivers and teachers. Clymer’s retirees this year include: Dawn Kin, Jane Loewer, Wendy Trisket, Kim Phillips and Barb Howden.

Olson said the administration has begun preparing for next year already as the year winds to a close. This includes adding in a second section for third grade next year, due to the amount of kids.

“Looking at our numbers for next year, we have made the decision to make a second section of third grade,” Olson said. “Our second grade this year was right at 24, and contractually in the teacher’s contract it says if there is a class size that maxes out at 25. Especially with the influx that we had at the last minute I’d rather plan now instead of trying to scramble at the beginning of the year.”

Class sections for next year in each grade will be; one Pre-K, two kindergarten, one first, one second, two third, one fourth, with fifth and sixth grades to be departmentalized and the high school to continue as normal. It was also noted that a lot of the seniors this year were only in the school for a year or two, coming to the school in sophomore year or later.

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