
COVID-19 Coverage

‘I Can’t Wait’: JPS Announces Opening Info

Jamestown Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker announced via YouTube on Friday that the district will open with in-person learning this fall. However, students and staff will be required to wear masks indoors. “As you know, we faced some challenges as we awaited the New York ...

NY Let Childhood Sex Abuse Victims Sue; 9,000 Went To Court

ALBANY (AP) — For two years, New York temporarily set aside its usual time limit on civil lawsuits in order to allow victims of childhood sexual abuse to sue churches, hospitals, schools, camps, scout groups and other institutions and people they hold responsible for enabling pedophiles or ...

County Records 23 New COVID Cases; 162 New Cases So Far In August

For consecutive days, Chautauqua County has recorded more than 20 new confirmed cases of COVID-19. The county Health Department on Friday noted 23 new cases, a day after it saw 21 come in a day earlier. Since Aug. 1, there have been 162 new confirmed cases of the virus, with health officials ...

Falconer Schools Release Plans For Opening

FALCONER — Falconer Central Schools will open for students on Tuesday, Sept. 7, with a full day of school for students in third through 12th grades. Students in kindergarten through second grades will have half-days on Tuesday, Sept. 7, and Wednesday, Sept. 8, with a noon dismissal time. ...

Legislation Proposed For Children To Get Vaccine At Pharmacy

As federal regulators and drug makers work on a COVID-19 vaccine for children, a state legislator wants to be ready to widely administer that vaccine. S.7320 would not require a COVID-19 vaccination for children. It is similar to a bill (S.8182A/A.10508A) passed in 2020 allowing pharmacists ...

More COVID Cases Reported In County

The Chautauqua County Department of Health on Thursday reported 21 new confirmed cases of COVID-19. Since last Friday, 100 cases have been recorded in the county — and 140 since Aug. 1 — as local officials say the highly contagious Delta variant of COVID-19 is spreading through the ...