
Grain Bin Rescue Training Is Aug. 22

MAYVILLE – Farm owners and their families, farm employees, grain handlers, fire department personnel, and first responders are welcome to participate in a grain bin rescue training, which will also include safety tips working with grain bins, starting at 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 22, at the Chautauqua County Emergency Office, 2 Academy St., Mayville.

Anyone interested in learning more to prevent and help save lives in grain entrapment accidents is welcome to attend. Participants are requested to be at least 16 years of age, due to liability considerations.

“This grain bin rescue training and specialized equipment grant is the result of dedicated teamwork between the Chautauqua County Special Rescue Team and Chautauqua County Farm Bureau,” said Jim Joy, a grape grower and Chautauqua County Farm Bureau board member. “These combined efforts now provide our county special rescue team members the ability to respond with confidence and knowledge to any grain bin rescue operation in Chautauqua County and surrounding areas.”

For more information, call Joy at 716-467-4200.

The program instructor will be Brian Freese from Peosta, Iowa. Local grain producers will provide the grain and loading equipment for the demonstration. There is no charge to participate, and complimentary pizza and beverages will be provided to all participants by the Chautauqua County Office of Emergency Services.

To help plan for meeting materials and food, reservations are requested by Aug. 20 by calling Lisa Kempisty, Cornell Cooperative Extension educator, at 716-664-9502, ext. 203 or emailing ljk4@cornell.edu.


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