
Sherman Central School Names Students Of Quarter

SHERMAN – Sherman Central School officials recently named the school’s Students of the Third Quarter.

They are:

Jayne Chambers, junior high Student of the Quarter. Jayne is the daughter of Adam Chambers and Dayna Chambers. She has three siblings, Jordyn, Troy, and Audrey. Jayne enjoys art and math class. She is actively involved in basketball, track and volleyball. Jayne’s career interests are marine biology and cosmetology.

Taryn Palmatier is the high school Student of the Quarter. Taryn is the daughter of Scott and Nicole Palmatier. She has two siblings, Bria and Howard. Taryn enjoys choir and band. She has been involved in many Sherman Central School musicals and Drama Club performances. Taryn has also been in the High School Bowl and FFA. Her career interests are to pursue a career in elementary education.


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