
Lakewood Business Image Embroidery Under New Ownership

Andrea Conklin, Image Embroidery owner, is the new owner of the Lakewood business located at 117 Chautauqua Ave. The business is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. P-J photo by Katrina Fuller

LAKEWOOD — An established embroidery one-stop-shop is under new ownership as of this year.

Andrea Conklin and her husband took over Image Embroidery in Lakewood earlier this month and said the transition has been going well so far.

Conklin said she had known the previous owner for several years and had helped out in the shop previously. When the shop came up for sale, she jumped at the chance to own their own business.

“I bought the business to work for myself and do my own thing,” Conklin said. “I thought it would be a great opportunity to do something different. I basically jumped in headfirst and hit the ground running.”

Conklin said she took control of the business on Jan. 2 and went right to work. She said owning a business is all new to her, but she is learning fast.

“It’s been a learning curve, but it’s been fun and I’m getting the hang of it,” Conklin said.

The business is about 12 years old, and has an established presence in the local community that Conklin said she’d like to continue. While she doesn’t want to branch out to websites and mail orders at this time, Conklin said she wants to maintain that strong connection to the local community, businesses and area schools.

“Right now, it’s kind of business as usual,” she said.

The shop offers screen printing, heat press services and embroidery on about anything a person can come up with, she said. Logos, names and other designs can be put on items such as hoodies, towels, bags, book bags, polo shirts, T-shirts and other items.

“Just about anything, you name it, we can do it,” Conklin said.

The welcome in the village of Lakewood has been a warm one, she added. Conklin said many people have come in to say “Hello.”

The store is located at 117 Chautauqua Ave. in Lakewood, and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Conklin said evening and weekend hours are available by appointment. For more information, call 763-0090.


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