
October Is Estate Planning Awareness Time

Estate planning sounds lofty. However, here is one thing to keep in mind- we are all different. Estate planning is looking at your goals, your assets, and your family/support structure makeup in order to make plans now and for the future. You do not have to have scads of items or have big homes and properties to take a look at this aspect of planning at ever age and stage of your life. October is national estate planning awareness time. The third week in October has this designation. It is a reminder for all of us about the power of planning.

Certainly, we have all heard if you fail to plan, you plan to fail, the early bird gets the worm, a goal without a plan is just a wish, and always plan ahead, it wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark! These are all sayings to encourage us to think about what we want/need and plan accordingly. A legacy is something passed sown to generations that will follow us. You may have something big or small that means a lot to you! What do you want to do with that when you no longer use it? Planning also may include things for now like insurance, investments, and opportunities for giving.

On the positive side, there are opportunities to build into things you enjoy now. Donating to groups, organizations, community foundations that match your ideas and alignments. On the negative side, probably many of us have heard stories about family fights, disagreements and other difficult things when things are just left undone, unsaid, undocumented after a person has passed away. In both positive and negative perspectives, one way to make sure what you want to do is to plan. There are many things to consider and resources that can be available to you and your loved ones. Consider each of these items and how it may benefit you in your personal planning needs.

¯ An estate planning lawyer.

¯ An accountant or financial planner, tax planning.

¯ A last will and testament, power of attorney.

¯ Health care decision making.

The Chautauqua County Office for Aging Services started a memorial fund may years ago in honor of Mac McCoy, a previous OFAS director who served from 1988-1998. This fund sits at the Chautauqua County Region Community Foundation. Proceeds from this fund are used to enhance and expand the services for older adults in Chautauqua County as recommended by the OFAS advisory board. There are many worthy opportunities if you decide to donate to something that is important or has helped you in your lifetime. Estate planning is just that. Using tools to make plans for now and the future for what’s important to you.

In many of our community presentations, we ask the community to P*L*A*N-please look at now! AT NY Connects, we give information and assistance to folks of every age, in many situations. We also encourage you to plan and be prepared for things we know will happen: changing health needs, community needs in transportation, nutrition needs, health insurance, care at home, benefit eligibility, home safety, and discharges from the hospital or nursing care centers. Call NY Connects Helpline at (716) 753-4582 or e-mail us at CCNYC@chqgov.com NY Connects is the place to call to get the help you need. NY Connects assists people of all ages who have long-term needs and want to stay in the community. NY Connects offers information and assistance services. It is confidential and free and focused on the consumer’s needs and resources available to them. NY Connects is brought to you by the Chautauqua County Office for the Aging and the Chautauqua County Department of Social Services.


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