

Serving Others

It seems that no matter what one does for a living or for leisure, adaptation is necessary during this time of shutdown. We are all having to adjust our shopping, dining, worship and recreational habits, but no two are exactly the same. The following people have made changes in the way they ...

Ripple Effect

So many heart-warming stories have come out of the current COVID-19 shutdown of our nation. There may be just as many situations that will be remembered, but not celebrated, when it comes to an end. Many farmers, especially the dairy farmer, will be included in the last group as this is a ...

Fun And Constructive

Area residents are getting more and more creative in an effort to practice social distancing while having fun and improving skills and relationships. Best friends Matt Schultz and Gage VanRensselaer have worked on honing their athletic skills while getting fresh air and absorbing Vitamin D. ...

Adept At Adapting

I am reading comments on Facebook about some people going stir crazy with the social distancing due to COVID-19. Lives have been disrupted, but not all people see this as a disadvantage. Maureen Smith of Randolph, a stay at home mom of four, who taught first and second grades for over a ...

Feed The Soul

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Dig. Plant. Breathe. As spring’s arrival in the Northern Hemisphere coincides with government stay-at-home orders, the itch to get outside has turned backyard gardens into a getaway for the mind in chaotic times. Gardeners who already know that working with soil ...

Interesting Artifacts

The Randolph home that Mary Williams shares with her husband, Adrian, and their children is a perfect house for them for many reasons. It has been in Mary’s family for 54 years. Before this, her father and mother, Howard and Beverly Freeman, lived with his mother and grandmother in the ...