
Because Of Virus, Many Halt Plans

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — Elizabeth Hubbart was booked for a cruise that followed the path of Lewis and Clark’s expedition in the Pacific Northwest. Joel Demski was set to watch and cheer his grandson graduating from the Naval Academy. James Kelly planned a trip to Scotland, to scatter his father’s ashes in the Clyde River near Glasgow.

They are all older than 60. And like millions of others, they now face the painful realization that their plans, their hopes, their bucket-list items, were not simply deferred but in many cases denied thanks to the coronavirus.

The global pandemic has left them wondering about the time they have left, and how to spend those moments when movement is severely limited. Instead of taking in the Seven Wonders of the World or making family memories, many are worried about the mundane, like whether it’s safe to grocery shop or even go outdoors.

Guilt, anger and frustration seep in, with all this precious time lost.

“One less year is one less trip,” said 72-year-old Bob Busch, an avid traveler from Sarasota, Florida who canceled a 35-day camping trip with his wife. They are healthy this year, but what about in the future, after the pandemic has passed? “How many times can you hook up the trailer and head west?”

Demski, who lives in Vero Beach, Florida, was crestfallen when the Naval Academy canceled its graduation ceremonies. Instead of taking in the celebration in Annapolis with his grandson, he is left with concern as the young man ships out on his assignment. Plans to see another grandson graduate from UCLA in California have also been scrapped.

“I’m really just sad. It’s sadness for the whole country,” said Demski, who is a few months shy of his 80th birthday.

Mick Smyer, a psychology professor at Bucknell University who studies aging and the elderly, said the Baby Boom generation is among the first to have additional years of vitality. This pandemic is hitting in the middle of their generation’s “developmental task,” which, as the American Psychological Association defines it, is “the fundamental physical, social, intellectual, and emotional achievements and abilities that must be acquired at each stage of life for normal and healthy development.”

In other words, boomers are feeling their mortality. As headlines blare about elders being more susceptible to dying of Coronavirus, the healthy wonder: Will I be able to achieve, see, and do everything I wanted out of life?


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