
Presence Of Greatness

Chautauqua Sports Hall of Famers Kay Gould and Art Asquith share an embrace at the CSHOF’s annual picnic Monday at Lakewood Rod & Gun Club. At far left is Paul Cooley, another CSHOF inductee.
Dunkirk High School varsity baseball coach Frank Jagoda, right, poses with assistant coach Donny Stoyle, who was the recipient of the Dr. Charles Sinatra Legacy Award.
Jim Rush, and his son, Owen, enjoy the evening on the shores of Chautauqua Lake. Owen, who will continue his academic and football career at SUNY Cortland this fall, was the recipient of the Bill Short Legacy Award as the top male athlete at Fredonia Central School. In bottom row at far left, from the left, are Board 39 IAABO officials Bill VanDyke, Scott VanStee, Chip Johnson, Ray Spacht and Tom Heppeler, who attended to honor the memory of longtime basketball official Roger MacTavish, who has a legacy award named in his honor. In bottom row at left, are Heppeler and CSHOF inductee Mel Swanson. P-J photos by Scott Kindberg
From the left, are Board 39 IAABO officials Bill VanDyke, Scott VanStee, Chip Johnson, Ray Spacht and Tom Heppeler, who attended to honor the memory of longtime basketball official Roger MacTavish, who has a legacy award named in his honor.
Tom Heppeler and CSHOF inductee Mel Swanson.

P-J photos by Scott Kindberg


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