
County Honors State-Champion Swimmers

Chautauqua County Executive PJ Wendel, far right, issued a commendation to Aidan McCleery (absent), Conner Dean, Grady Moore and Miles Moore at a recent meeting of the Chautauqua County Legislature. The four students won a swimming state championship in the 200-yard freestyle relay in March. Also pictured are coaches Ian Moore, far left; Glen Shoup, second from right; and Bruce Johnson, third from right. P-J photo by Gregory Bacon

MAYVILLE — A group of swimmers from the combined Southwestern, Frewsburg, Jamestown and Falconer boys swimming team was recently lauded for its success.

During a meeting of the Chautauqua County Legislature, County Executive PJ Wendel issued a commendation to Aidan McCleery, Conner Dean, Grady Moore and Miles Moore, who won a state championship in the 200-yard freestyle relay in March.

McCleery, a Falconer senior, swam the opening leg in 21.38 seconds before Dean, a Jamestown junior, followed with a leg of 21.40 seconds. Southwestern’s twin sophomore brothers Grady and Miles Moore finished the race with legs of 20.82 and 20.45 seconds, respectively, to edge Pittsford by 25-hundredths of a second. The 1:24.05 qualified as an All-American time for the Bears.

Wendel noted the group’s time was in the top 100 of all high schools in the nation, for both public and private.


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