
Allesi’s 78 Leads The Way On Asquith Senior Tour

NORTH EAST, Pa. — Sam Allesi’s 78 topped the Asquith Senior Tour on Tuesday at Green Meadows Golf Course.

Other gross scores were Dan Benson 81 in White A Flight, Pat Hartzel 86 in White B Flight, Dave Gayton 84 in Gold B Flight, Bob Welch 91 in Gold C Flight and Dan Barry 97 in Gold D Flight.

Following are the leaders in each flight using the modified Stableford scoring system: Dave Fiore 5, Dan Benson 4 and Dave Wordleman minus 3, White A Flight; Allesi 4, Jud Foy 4 and Ross Cali minus 1; Gayton 8, Mike Guziec 6 and Roger Milspaw 3, Gold B Flight; Welch 6, Russ Vacanti 4 and Jim Wise 4, Gold C Flight; and Barry 6, Don Armstrong 5 and Tuck Underwood 4, Gold D Flight.

Closest to the pin were Dan Benson (No. 3), Randy Carlson (No. 7), Underwood (No. 13) and Henry Johnson (No. 16).

Next week’s match is scheduled for 9 a.m. Monday at South Hills Country Club. On July 22, the Tour will play at Union City GC at 9 a.m.


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