
Jamestown Wins Three-Man Title; Fredonia’s Kelly Shoots 69

CHAUTAUQUA — Ryan Kelly of Fredonia turned in quite a performance at the Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Athletic Association Division 1 golf tournament Thursday on the Lake Course at Chautauqua Golf Club.

Not only was he medalist for the day, but he also turned in a fabulous 69, which was five shots better than second-place Evan Steffen of Maple Grove. Robert Kozlowski of Dunkirk was third with a 75.

The team winner was Jamestown, which had a three-man total of 235, five shots clear of Fredonia. Maple Grove was third at 249.

Leading the way for the Red & Green was Evan Maloney with a 77. Tyler Salvaggio and Tyler Maloney shot 78 and 80 respectively.

Following are the First-Team All-Stars and their season averages: Steffen, Maple Grove, 37.60; Kozlowski, Dunkirk, 37.71; Kelly, Fredonia, 38.90; Evan Maloney, Jamestown, 39.0; Austin McKotch, Southwestern, 39.50; and Carson Swanson,Chautauqua Lake/Westfield, 40.40.

Following are the Second-Team All-Stars and their season averages: Tyler Salvaggio, Jamestown, 41.20, Tyler Maloney, Jamestown, 41.22; Ace Pierce, Cassadaga Valley, 42.0; Jordan Kelly, Fredonia, 42.83; and Grant Abbey, Fredonia, 43.30; and Gavin Rodgers, Maple Grove, 43.30.

The Sportsmanship Awards went to Cassadaga Valley as a team and Pierce as an individual.

Team scores

Jamestown (235): Evan Maloney 77, Tyler Salvaggio 78, Tyler Maloney 80.

Fredonia (240): Ryan Kelly 69, Grant Abbey 87, Jordan Kelly 84.

Maple Grove (249): Evan Steffen 74, Gavin Rodgers 92, Baylor Hirliman 83.

Cassadaga Valley (271): Ace Pierce 87, Hunter Cleland 83, Caden Frost 101.

Falconer (273): Channing Brainard 87, Ethyn Gilbert 84, Evan Newman 102.

Southwestern (282): Austin McKotch 84, Mike Kunkle 101, Will Pavlock 97.

Chautauqua Lake/Westfield (283): Carson Swanson 86, Liam Swan 102, Braylon Swanson 95.

Dunkirk (300): Robert Kozlowski 75, Logan Thomas 104, Bryan Thurston 121.

Olean (304): Cam Bartman 89, Finn Caya 100, Derek Conners 115

Team records

Jamestown 18-0

Fredonia 16-2

Southwestern 14-4

Maple Grove 10-8

Clymer/Sherman/Panama 7-11

Olean 6-12

Chautauqua Lake/Westfield 5-13

Falconer 4-14

Dunkirk 3-15


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