
Gowanda Girls Lax Reaches Class D Final

Gowanda senior Chloe Luther has been the top goalscorer in Section VI all season and she had to put those skills to the test in Thursday’s Class D semifinal girls lacrosse game against No. 1 East Aurora.

Luther scored a whopping eight goals as the 4-seeded Panthers held on to defeat the Blue Devils 11-10 and secured a spot in Tuesday’s championship game against Salamanca.

Both Felicia and Lily Scanlan netted a goal and an assist, while Cadence Luther scored once to help Gowanda advance. Cadence also had three ground balls, Chloe had two ground balls and caused three turnovers, and Karice John picked up two ground balls and forced two turnovers.

While the girls advanced to the Class D final on Tuesday in Kenmore, the Gowanda boys lacrosse team was cut short in the semifinals by East Aurora.

The second-seeded Panthers hosted No. 3 East Aurora on Wednesday, but came up just short, falling 6-5.

Patrick Flaherty’s hat trick proved to be the difference for East Aurora, while teammates Henry Bindig, Will Russell and Ethan Mior contributed a goal apiece.

Gowanda was led by Winter Rivera’s two goals and an assist, Ha’tsihgahdo:d Stevens scored a goal and an assist, Croix Snow and Trelin Warrior scored once each, and Hodaweo:je’ John added an assist.

The Gowanda boys finished the season with an 11-4 record.


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