Chapman Rolls 763 Series At Jamestown Bowling Co.
Bowling for Mark It Zero, Andrew Chapman had a 258-247-258-763 during the Lena’s Pizza Men’s League at Jamestown Bowling Company.
Chris McKinley spun a 246-225-259-730 for Honest John’s, followed by Tim Wares’ 226-247-233-706 for Lena’s Pizza, Brent Miller’s 238-246-216-700 for Honest John’s, Chris Johnson’s 247-247-688 for JPF Trucking and Cody Kane’s 245-245-680 for All Shots Matter.
Laura Schlining’s 234-203-626 for Angel Hair paced the Lena’s Pizza-Townline Auto Women’s League at JBC.
Jim Suckow rolled a 214-601 for the Blackbirds and Lenny Bush had a 242-599 for the Owls in the Thursday Early Bird Seniors League at JBC.
Jamestown Bowling Company: Lena’s Pizza-Townline Auto Women–Pam Willey 487
Lena’s Pizza Men–Jeremy Crist 238-211-224-673, Shawn Samples 224-234-653, Andrew Raymond 218-223-208-649, Michael Melice 247-215-646, Dan Walker 246-226-646, Shawn Ulander 222-221-629, Tyler Jones 248-620, Ken Berlund 232-623, Dave Fiorella 236-618, Brian Kennelley 217-200-617, Devin Kennelley 216-204-610, Jim Glatz 200-207-202-609, Larry Pischera 201-201-205-607, Paul Burdic 226-605, Adam Fiorella 203-221-605, Jamie Willey 228-603, Scott Johnson 594, Denny Beaver 212-591, Ang Volpe 215-591, Tim Kolstee 217-588, Chuck Ryberg 219-204-585, Joe Foti 234-584, Bryce Morrison 202-579
Miles Machine–Jim Elardo 641
Thursday Early Bird Seniors–Hank Mole 201-568, Ken Davis 530, Gary Wells 520, Bob Dowd 511, Sharon Dowd 433