
Eppehimer Open Is Saturday At Maplehurst CC

LAKEWOOD — The 31st annual Eppehimer Open Golf Tournament will be held Saturday at Maplehurst Country Club. The tournament will begin with registration and lunch at noon and a shotgun start at 1 p.m.

The proceeds from the event will be used for youth ministries and future mission trips for the Christian & Missionary Alliance Church, which will include, but are not limited to, district youth camping at Delta Lake Family Camp. This year a Hawaiian vacation will be one of the prizes for anyone who gets a hole-in-one.

The cost for the tournament is $75 per person. The fee includes golf and a cart, lunch, on-course beverages, chicken dinner and prizes. A special price of $50 is being offered to any pastors, ministers, priests or clergy members who would like to play in the event. There are still openings available for both individuals and teams, as well as any businesses that would like to make donations to the event.

The tournament is a four-person scramble with prizes awarded. In addition to the hole-in-one prize, other prizes will be awarded for longest drives, closest to the pin and closest to the line.

This year Wayne Eppehimer, former pastor from the Christian & Missionary Alliance Church, will be giving the blessing for the food along with giving a short message during the dinner time.

For more information on playing in the tournament, or becoming a sponsor, please contact Bill Farr at 716-450-9048, Duane Mills at 716-969-2094, Jason Rexford at 716-708-5151 or the CMA Church at 716-488-3015, or you also can go to the church website at www.jamestowncmachurch.org.


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