
Collins Native Matt Minnick Takes To Mound For Yankees

Collins native Matt Minnick took to the mound for the New York Yankees during Sunday’s Spring Training game against the Detroit Tigers. Minnick made a relief appearance in the 9th inning and recorded the final out. Submitted photo

Matt Minnick of Collins made a relief appearance Sunday for the New York Yankees against the Detroit Tigers at George Steinbrenner Field in Tampa, Florida.

Minnick entered the game in the top of the ninth inning with two on and two out, after the previous Yankee pitcher gave up four runs to blow a three-run Yankee lead. Minnick threw five pitches, getting the batter to ground out to shortstop to end the inning.

The game was telecast on the YES network.

The 26-year-old left hander is a graduate of St. Joseph’s School in Gowanda, St. Francis High School in Athol Springs, and pitched for Mercyhurst College in Erie. He was drafted by the Yankees in 2019.

Last season Minnick appeared in 30 games for the Hudson Valley Renegades in High-A East ball, formerly the New York-Penn League. Minnick picked up five wins and two losses last year in relief and recorded three holds while posting a 4.40 ERA and 1.40 WHIP.

Minnick is yet to receive assignment for this season, the minor leagues begin play April 5.


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