
Schimek Takes Coaches Association Leadership Position

Jamestown Community College wrestling coach Kris Schimek has been selected as co-vice president of the NJCAA Wrestling Coaches Association. P-J file photo

While entering his sixth season at the helm of the Jamestown Community College wrestling program, head coach Kris Schimek has been learning and growing not just for the institution, but for the better of wrestling as a whole in the NJCAA.

Schimek has been selected as the co-vice president of the NJCAA Wrestling Coaches Association after being nominated by former longtime head coach Aaron Cooper of Mercyhurst North East, who held the position for 10-plus years.

“This is an honor to be selected,” Schimek said. “To fill the role of someone who has done tremendous work throughout the NJCAA and Region 3, it leaves me speechless.”

Schimek will be a part of the meetings during the national championships to discuss any topics or issues that have been brought up throughout the season.

Schimek was also named the region representative for the NJCAA Leadership Group for Region 3. In this role, representatives meet to discuss any rule changes and vote on any new topics with other representatives from each competing region such as adding any new members into the district championships.

Another duty for this position is having a voice during the national championships to help determine seedings for each weight class.

“This is a position that I volunteered to take on,” Schimek said. “Having been around longtime coaches throughout the region, I feel as though it was my time to step up and take on the added responsibilities.”

Schimek and the Jayhawks will be back in action Friday, as they travel to Louisville, Kentucky, to compete at the National Wrestling Coaches Association National Duals.


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