
Community Stars

Jammers, Secrets Of Champions Treat Students To Camp

The Secrets of Champions Foundation and the Jamestown Jammers put on a baseball camp for students from BOCES and the GA Learning Center on Thursday at Diethrick Park. Submitted photos

Students from BOCES and the GA Learning Center were treated to a learning opportunity Thursday in the form of on-field baseball activities at Diethrick Park.

The camp was compliments of the Jamestown Jammers and The Secrets of Champions Foundation (www.foundationofchampions.org), and was all filmed by The Resource Center.

“Through our association with the Jamestown Jammers, we are doing all we can to be a constructive part of the community,” said Dr. George Carlo, Secret of Champions Foundation chairman. “The looks I saw on faces today when they hit a baseball at this beautiful facility makes it all worth it.”

Earlier this week, the collaboration offered a coaching clinic as well as an 18-and-under baseball camp.

“These are the first of many community engagement activities,” said Jordan Basile, Jammers manager and Jamestown Community College baseball coach.

Patrick Smeraldo, independent service coordinator of Chautauqua Connections, a member corporation of The Resource Center said TRC has always been and will continue to advocate for all children to assist them in experiencing all activities.


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