
JCC’s Schimek Excited After Having Full Year To Prepare

The Jamestown Community College wrestling team opened its season at the Brockport Open this past Saturday. Submitted photo

Kris Schimek grew up around wrestling, but it wasn’t until he was about 10 years old and tired of “getting beat up with wrestling moves” by his younger cousin that he took up the sport.

To say it was the right decision would be an understatement.

Along the way, Schimek, now 24 and in his second year as the Jamestown Community College wrestling coach:

¯ Posted 151 career wins at Pine Valley Central School and made one appearance in the New York State Public High School Athletic Association Tournament.

¯ Was an NJCAA runner-up as a freshman at Niagara County CC and followed that up with a fourth-place finish as a sophomore.

¯ Ended his competitive career by wrestling one year at Ithaca College where he compiled a 35-4 record and placed fourth in the NCAA Division III Championships.

“For me, wrestling has literally made me who I am,” said the former three-time All-American earlier this week. “I wouldn’t be where I am without it. I don’t even know what I’d be doing without it. It’s not just a sport, it’s a lifestyle. If you can have success at this, you can succeed in whatever you want.”

Schimek is hopeful that the success he experienced during his college days can be replicated by the athletes on this year’s Jayhawks’ roster.

“I think we have a lot of potential, theoretically speaking,” he said. “If we have a good year this year, which I really hope we will — and after (last Saturday) that’s looking better — (hopefully) we can get more local guys to come here.

“There’s a lot of talent in this area. Everyone thinks they’re a Division I wrestler coming out of high school. I’m sorry to say that 99 percent of them aren’t, because that’s just the nature of the beast. If they come here first, get to be part of a team … wrestle 30 matches, maybe win a national title, and be an All-American, now doors open up.”

One door opened a bit last Saturday in Jamestown CC’s first tournament of the season, which was at the Brockport Open. In that event, Schimek had seven wrestlers place against a field that included only one other community college team.

Tonight, the Jayhawks travel to Thiel College followed by a Region 3 dual meet against Mercyhurst North East on Saturday. Those are just two entries on an aggressive schedule for Schimek’s 17-man roster.

“It’s really my first year doing this from start to finish, recruiting, the whole works,” he said. “I would be really happy if we put 10 guys in regionals. That would be huge. Not just from a wrestling standpoint, but from us making their lives easier down the road by having that degree. I would love to see a top-three in the region and then send seven guys to the nationals. You never know once you get there.”

In 2015 and 2016, Nate Skonieczny claimed third-place finishes at the nationals in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

“I wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t love it,” said Schimek, who is a police officer with the Jamestown Police Department. “I really feel I can make a difference in a lot of these guys lives. … I don’t want to see someone come in to do it just to do it. I want the program to do well and I want the kids to do well. Maybe I’ll learn something in the process, too.”

The sophomores on the roster are Josh Balzer (Gowanda Central School/Gowanda); Dakota Gardner (Fredonia/Fredonia) and Howie Nolan (Bemus Point/Maple Grove).

The freshmen are Armando Arce (Ripley/Chautauqua Lake), Sebastien Conge (Queens/Benjamin N. Cardozo), Jordan Crouse (Jamestown/Jamestown), Steven Daniels (Buffalo/Williamsville North), SinQue Davis (Cleveland/John Marshall), Nick Jones (Dunkirk/Dunkirk), Nick Kozlowski (Portville/Portville), Kevin Mosley Jr. (Jamestown/Jamestown), Cameron Page (Falconer/Falconer), Josh Snyder (Jamestown/Jamestown), Charlie Valone (Gowanda/Gowanda), Caleb Wiggins (Binghamton/Chenango Valley), Ben Winkler (Jamestown/Jamestown) and Michael Zito (Baltimore/Loyola Blakefield).

Many of those names are familiar, because of the impressive resumes they built during their high school careers. In their season opener at Brockport last Saturday, Page placed second at 174 pounds, Wiggins (125) and Kozlowski (133) claimed third, Jones (285) was fourth, Arce (184) and Zito (149) were fifth and Balzer (184) was sixth.

“I’m happy with the turnout,” said Schimek, whose staff also includes Ryan Guynup and Austin Lynn. “Fortunately, (the wrestlers) are all still around, so that’s a good sign. The game plan is to keep them eligible and still have 17 in the spring. That would be huge and we can build on that for next year. Hopefully next year we can start out with 35.

“My biggest thing is I want to instill a good culture. I’m not going to put up with any crap. … If you are doing the wrong things, you are going to get punished. That’s life. There are repercussions for everything. … It’s preparing you for life.”


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