
Division 2 Wrestling All-Stars Named

Four state qualifiers headline the Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Athletic Association Division II first-team wrestling all-star selections.

Maple Grove teammates Shane Hetrick (113 pounds), Trevor Micek (170 pounds) and Zak Trim (182 pounds) were all recognized as first-team selections following seasons in which they made their way to the New York State Public High School Athletic Association Division II Wrestling Championships at the Times Union Center in Albany.

The Maple Grove trio was joined by Portville’s state qualfier, Nick Kozlowski (126 pounds), on the first team.

Other Division II first-team selections include Maple Grove’s Luke Tomlinson (99 pounds), Randolph’s Marcus Evans (106 pounds), Maple Grove’s AJ Putt (120 pounds), Cattaraugus-Little Valley’s Sam Grey (132 pounds), Franklinville’s Caleb Palmatier (138 pounds), Cattaraugus-Little Valley’s Tyler Penrod (145 pounds), Maple Grove’s Jake Tomlinson (152 pounds), Franklinville’s Dooley Brennan (160 pounds), Randolph’s Marshall Johnson (195 pounds), Cattaraugus-Little Valley’s Vince Pascarella (220 pounds) and Randolph’s Nick Becker (285 pounds).

The second-team picks along with the honorable-mention selections can be found below.

First Team

99: Luke Tomlinson, Maple Grove; 106: Marcus Evans, Randolph; 113: Shane Hetrick, Maple Grove; 120: AJ Putt, Maple Grove; 126: Nick Kozlowski, Portville; 132: Sam Grey, Cattaraugus-Little Valley; 138: Caleb Palmatier, Franklinville; 145: Tyler Penrod, Cattaraugus-Little Valley; 152: Jake Tomlinson, Maple Grove; 160: Dooley Brennan, Franklinville; 170: Trevor Micek, Maple Grove; 182: Zak Trim, Maple Grove; 195: Marshall Johnson, Randolph; 220: Vince Pascarella, Cattaraugus-Little Valley; 285: Nick Becker, Randolph.

Second Team

99: Nick Carro, Portville; 106: Nolan Palmatier, Franklinville; 113: Devin Hall, Portville; 120: Wyatt Sluga, Randolph; 126: Matt Evans, Randolph; 132: Kaylum Goodell, Franklinville; 138: Jake Peters, Franklinville; 145: DJ Hlasnick, Portville; 152: Josh Anderson, Randolph; 160: Dakota Crawford, Cattaraugus-Little Valley; 170: Derek Langdon, Franklinvile; 182: Matt Waugh, Portville; 195: Alexx Quattrone, Portville; 285: Noah Persson, Randoph.

Honorable Mention

106: Kenny Johnson, Randolph; 120: Mike Defoe, Franklinville; 126: Jeff Hebdon, Franklinville; 132: Mark Lindquist, Randolph; 138: Brennan Niver, Portville; 152: Kamil Murawski, Portville; 160: Carter Russo, Maple Grove; 170: Cody Wright, Randolph; 182: Austin Genberg, Cattaraugus-Little Valley; 195: Alex Lai, Maple Grove; 285: Scott Saltsman, Portville.

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