
Deconstructing The Green Scheme

For years we have endured the unending mantra against “greedy” oil companies, while hearing no criticism for greedy Green Energy companies gobbling up $Trillions in corporate welfare. It seems rather duplicitous.

The Climate Cult claimed that “Green Energy” was so cheap we could practically give it away. If this was so, then why are Green Energy leaders like England and Germany going broke paying for electricity? Knowing what has happened to England and Germany, why is NYS still burning taxpayer money on subsidies and giveaways for Wind, Solar, and Battery farms? Why is the CHQ IDA going along with the scam?

Sadly, politicians who control NYS government totally bought into the Net Zero and Green delusion when they forced the CLCPA legislation on us. One might be ask how financially involved they are personally.

In yet another assault on humanity the UN organized the Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) in 2021 – a formal cartel whose objective was to cut off funding for petroleum and gas development. Instead, these banks would chase the massive corporate welfare given to Wind and Solar companies. Strangely, Bernie Sanders never complained about this particular Billionaire’s Club.

The main players in the NZBA cabal are BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Citibank, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, and JP Morgan, who represent 25% of US investment market share. Over the past few months, however, the NZBA cartel has fallen apart, with BlackRock being the latest and most important member to exit. BlackRock is an $11.4 Trillion firm known for pushing far Left DEI and ESG as well as radical Green policies. Apparently the Green formula was not working for BlackRock investors who insisted on making a profit.

Why would these billionaires walk away from a Green bonanza filled with free money from taxpayers? Let us postulate.

– Perhaps the world is waking up to the absolute fraud in climate catastrophism. The Earth has been naturally warming for 300 years coming out of the little ice-age, and yes, anthropogenic CO2 has a small additional effect, but there is no impending climate catastrophe. The Earth has been much warmer in the recent past. The evidence is clear. People are tired of the nonsense.

– Perhaps the world is waking up to the absolute insanity of Net-Zero policies. Net Zero cannot be accomplished without sending us back to the dark ages, and nobody wants to give up their video games, AI, and Roku just to make BlackRock rich. Even hipster social science professors realize that they won’t be able to enjoy their cappuccino without electricity. Besides, the biggest CO2 generators in the world rejected all Net Zero policies (Kazan Declaration).

– Perhaps Green Energy is such a space-hog that we will need to cover the planet with Wind Farms, Solar Farms, and Battery Farms just to provide minimal power.

– Perhaps there will be no place to dispose the un-recyclable and often toxic waste from green infrastructure, which requires replacement every 10 to 20 years. Replacement requires massive inputs of power to mine, process, build, and install it. Green is definitely not sustainable. Maybe BlackRock doesn’t want to be liable.

All the above are valid reasons for the demise of the NZBA Billionaire Club, but the biggest reason is probably the laws of Physics, which always prevail no matter how much foot-stomping the Left does. Nuclear is the only feasible path to our energy future, but the US and NYS has fallen behind the rest of the world in Nuclear technology because of our insane anti-nuclear policies and politicians.

Perhaps the inability of Green to do the job has hit the NZBA and BlackRock like a lightning bolt on the road to Damascus. Over 40 US companies are now contracting to build their own nuclear generation capacity off the Grid, including one company from NYS. They are not willing be destroyed by Net Zero policies created by clueless politicians like those who forced CLCPA on us in NYS and continue to support it.

Noticeably, Microsoft is investing an incredible amount of money to bring Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant back on line – just for Microsoft! Their unsubsidized nuclear power will cost only 2/3 of what we pay for Wind or Solar power even after all those taxpayer subsidies have been lavished on it. That is economic reality married to physics.

Quietly NYS is entertaining a “Nuclear Master Plan”, but this plan only considers Nuclear for Green backup (DEFR), rather than using Nuclear for Baseload. Hochul is playing both sides by continuing to waste $Billions on duplicative Wind and Solar infrastructure, when that money could be spent developing Nuclear alone, which requires no backup. Perhaps Hochul could explain why our resources should continue to be squandered on failed technologies like Wind and Solar.

One might be curious about when Hochul and the NYS Legislature will publicly acknowledge how much damage their CLCPA legislation is doing to NYS citizens. When will they acknowledge that “Cap and Trade” will inflate costs and drive businesses out of NYS? Will Hochul continue the economic suicide of Net Zero just to satisfy her extremist donors, or will NYS repeal CLCPA and allow the laws of Physics and Economics to prevail without wasting another dime of our money on Wind and Solar nonsense?

Good questions.

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