Growing Concerns About Proposal 1
Article 1, Section 11 of the New York Constitution protects against unequal treatment based on race, color, creed, and religion.
Proposal 1 will amend the act to also protect against unequal treatment based on ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, and pregnancy outcomes, as well as reproductive healthcare and autonomy. The amendment also allows laws to prevent or undo past discrimination.
There is a growing concern that Proposal 1 will affect our family values and rights. For example regarding the insertion of age, sex, and gender identity Proposal 1 could create a pathway in the state’s constitution for limiting the rights of parents in the decision making process of our children. It could ban schools from disclosing to parents when their child is considering or actually transitioning their gender. The potential consequences are disturbing. We are not given any information as to what’s behind door 1 ,2, or 3.
This would all be without parents notification unless the child chooses to share the information with his or her parents. The consequences are disturbing. If this is true your American Dream could be destroyed and you will be left with the devastation that will last you the rest of your life.
According to an article in Newsweek a 2022 survey by The Trevor Project, a suicide prevention organization, nearly 1 in 5 young people who identified as transgender or non-binary have either attempted suicide or committed suicide. You stand a possibility of living with the wreckage for the rest of your life and will be left to pick up the pieces of losing a child that you possibly could have saved.
Proposal 1 would allow boys to participate in girls sports and shower in female locker rooms.It’s unnerving and uncomfortable to talk about, but student-on-student sexual assault and harassment happens with alarming frequency in school bathrooms, on school playgrounds, and in the backs of school buses. It’s happening at every level of education. Sharing of bathrooms only encourages that behavior.
According to recently released data from the U. S. Department of Education the incidents of rape or attempted rape and sexual assaults are increasing every year with higher incidents being reported. The school systems are not equipped to help every child with sexual assaults. You better be thinking of home schooling.
A 12 year old girl was assaulted and violated in October of 2021 by a transgender classmate in her school bathroom in New Mexico. The incident is the latest consequence of gender ideology which has unsafely infiltrated school districts.
In an Ohio high school last year, four boys forced a 14-year-old girl into a school storage closet and sexually assaulted her.
It happened to a student in Seattle public schools. In 2012, she was raped by a high school classmate–a boy who had previously been disciplined for sexual misconduct when he was in middle school–on a multi-day school field trip. The rape occurred in the presence of other students.
If passed, Proposal 1 would grant substantial benefits to illegal migrants at our expense such as cash payments (welfare), credit cards and housing options. We have people sleeping in the streets including families and Illegal migrants will be living better than our own citizens.
In Illinois, a U.S District Court ruled that migrants are not prohibited from legally possessing weapons. Have you tried to get a concealed weapons permit lately? It takes about one year if you are lucky.
On November 5, 2024, do not give Proposal 1 a thumbs up, instead give it the middle finger. It would open the door for a slew of radical bills that would destroy parental oversight and involvement in our children’s education and medical decisions. Our schools are in crisis and cannot protect students from harassment and assault and they cannot investigate cases as required by law under Title lX.
New York state is now number 1 in population loss. We have surpassed California. I wish our politicians would concentrate on this serious issue but you hardly ever hear them talking about it. You also don’t hear them talking about Proposal 1. Why is that?
If you think Proposal 1 is a serious issue for you and your family then think about this. The majority of New York’s population is New York City and surrounding areas. This presents a serious problem when it comes time to vote. We may have to live with their decision. If that happens there might be serious consequences for all of us. My children are all grown up now and I am thankful for that.
Proposal 1 is like a Jack in the box. It is full of vague innuendo probably meant to confuse and hide the truth about the amendment. The only way we are going to see the consequences of Proposal 1 is if it is passed. It will then turn into Pandora’s box and it will be too late.
Little by little we are losing our core values. Our morals are going down the toilet. Our churches are closing. And the middle class is in serious decline. So I have one question for those who are reading this article. What are going to do about it. Vote on November 5th or shame on you!
Bruce A Piatz is a Jamestown resident.