
Remembering A Friend

Readers' Forum

To The Reader’s Forum:

I read with much heartache the article by J. Paul Lombardo shared with us this weekend following the sudden passing of Jeff Waddington. (P.J. 6-22). His overwhelming sadness was quite evident as he shared his thoughts and memories of his friend gone too soon.

Anyone who lives around Falconer and otherwise follows wrestling knows of the Waddington family. During the 1980’s, Jeff and brother Robbie were doing wonderful things on the wrestling mats as they competed on coach William Davenport’s teams. Jeff and Robbie were both very talented and the pair won most of their matches as well as many tournaments on their way to section 6 titles and then placing at the state level of competition.

Sports can help to bring people together and the spirit of competition is good for both the body and the soul. Sports can help to ease our minds of the problems of the day and help to unite us in ways that nothing else can.

J. Paul has previously shared his passion for the Cleveland Browns football team with us all through his previous articles and with his friend Jeff, he found both a fellow Browns backer as well as a site to gather and cheer them on. For the past decade plus, J. Paul, Jeff and friends would gather at Waddington’s tavern where they could support their favorite football team. Through their efforts they also organized a rummage rack and held raffles to raise funds which would help support the town they care so much for. As a longtime fan and supporter of wrestling, I have a great appreciation for the pride and joy that Jeff has brought to his wrestling family and community during his time at Falconer Central. I can also appreciate the lifelong relationships he had with all who knew and cared for him.

Finally, I appreciate the heartfelt words from J. Paul Lombardo as he shared his appreciation for his friend he cared so much for with the rest of us who chose to read his passionate thoughts and memories.

Todd R. Shields,



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