
International Airport Designation Could Help Airport

Readers' Forum

To the Readers’ Forum:

I have recently read the excellent commentary by the editor about a possible international designation at the airport in Jamestown. Bravo for putting the issue in the spotlight.

Every time I have traveled from New York City (where I am a resident) to Jamestown (my hometown), I have lamented the fact that I could not fly into Jamestown. The airport in this community is lovely. It is well built, beautiful inside and outside, and convenient. It needs to function at the highest level.

The editor is absolutely correct about the need for an active airport here. We have the attractions that would draw greater numbers of tourists and visitors, but Jamestown is remote. It is not easily reached.

Everything would change if only administrators focused on this transportation problem and fixed it. I believe it can happen. In much the same way that the UPMC Jamestown was transformed into a really good hospital, with its affiliation to University of Pittsburgh hospitals, this situation can be resolved with success.

I love the notion of renaming it. Yes to the Robert H. Jackson International Airport as well.

Lori Carlson-Hijuelos,

New York City

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