
Condition Of School Grounds Is Embarrassing

Readers' Forum

To The Reader’s Forum:

I wrote to this paper over a year ago now, amazed at the conditions of the buildings and grounds for the Jamestown Public Schools. Over a year later, the situation looks even worse and more embarrassing for our community and students.

The district leadership in Superintendent Whitaker and Asst. Supt. Spry are clearly just relying on New York States taxpayers and the capital projects to address their decaying buildings and facilities. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when your Sr. School Administration aren’t residents of the City nor the School System that they would have no pride in how the district facilities look.

It is time for city residents and school board members to start holding district administration accountable and make our schools buildings and grounds look presentable for the 21st century. I encourage everyone to take a walk around all sides of Jamestown High School as there is trash, weeds, and trees growing up through sidewalks, tennis courts, and retaining walls. Is this an active public school in the highest tax payer funded state in the country, or a building in a 3rd would country. I’ll let you all make that decision after you look around.


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