
Help For Homeless Isn’t Here, Despite Claims To The Contrary

Readers' Forum

To The Reader’s Forum:

Today The Post-Journal carries an article about a man who, through hard luck, is out of money, is too disabled to work, and has no home or shelter.

No one is helping him. There are hundreds of thousands of coercive Utopians in this country, hundreds in this county alone, who dedicate their lives to enacting laws and policies to take money from those who have it, rich and poor, and distribute it to others. They spend billions of dollars to elect politicians and they distribute billions enforcing these laws.

If the total annual budget for welfare was divided up and given directly to poor people, they would all be comfortable. The money spent on top of that for campaigning and propaganda and administration of the causes and organizations could make the poor wealthy.

The left and the Democratic Party are not helping this man. They do not help the poor. They do not even intend to. They want to force you to do that – force.

That means they must have power. Power and admiration to which they feel entitled for what they force you to do is. It is all about them.

Thank you Post-Journal for rubbing our noses in it. But still no one will see it.



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