
Accepting Reality Of Mass Shootings Allows Gun Violence To Continue

Readers' Forum

To The Reader’s Forum:

As long as there is no meaningful, national gun control, I will keep writing in favor of meaningful gun control. As of May 14, mass shooting has taken the lives of 10 people in Buffalo, N.Y.

I will keep telling you that it’s way too late to analyze the motive of a shooter and way too late to restrict the access of a “gun nut” to a gun used solely for mass killing simply because there are no federal laws designed to prevent motive and access. Murder has already occurred. In other words, if you’re not for meaningful gun control you accept whatever happens under current rules, which includes the “legal” purchase of guns used in the mass shooting of 13 people in Buffalo.

All your thoughts, prayers, and condolences are meaningless if you accept what gun nuts do. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

Face reality — a good guy with a gun (an armed security guard) failed to stop a bad guy with a gun. People enable “good guys” to become “bad guys” once they use a legal gun in an illegal way. But, the “good guy” argument is only of value when no one dies or is wounded through gun violence. Preventing something worse from happening does nothing for the victims. Every incident of a mass shooting begets another incident of a mass shooting because everyday people, and people in government, allow it to occur. Gun nuts in American society continue to find their reasons to commit heinous crimes.

It’s not rocket science. It’s people like the infamous Alex Jones who fail to recognize the mass murder of children at Sandy Hook elementary school, people like white supremacists, people who support racist policies and many, similar others who won’t accept the reality of mass shootings who allow gun violence to continue unabated.

May 14, 1789 was when delegates first met in Philadelphia to start ironing out the US Constitution, which has led to the current “interpretation” of Article 2, which I suggest is the basis for, yes, the encouragement of, mass shootings in America. How ironic!

Will this letter offend people? I certainly hope so! I hope it offends people so much that they actually do something to support meaningful gun control. Otherwise, you or I and our loved ones might be the next victims.



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