
Readers’ Forum

A Thanks To Those Involved With The Vaccine Clinics

To The Reader’s Forum:

A huge Thank You to Dr. MaryAnn Spanos, Director for the Office for the Aging, the Chautauqua County Health Department, and RiteAid Pharmacy for providing COVID-19 vaccinations to several downtown Jamestown residents of senior housing facilities.

Centrally located Covenant Manor was the vaccination site, which allowed easy access for seniors and wheelchair participants. In the one and one half day vaccination clinics, more than 200 people were vaccinated. With minimal lead time, tremendous coordination and cooperation was needed in order to register and set-up appointments for each participant.

The clinics ran smoothly thanks to all those who were determined to provide easily accessible vaccinations to a vulnerable population. Kudos to all those involved. — including all those who showed up to receive their vaccinations.

Sharon Hamilton,



Jamestown Housing Authority


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