
A Day That Lives In Infamy Is Also A Day That Showed Americans’ Resolve

Dec. 7, 1941, was one of the worst days in United States history. The attack on Pearl Harbor was not only stunning, it changed the lives of Americans for the next five years.

For many, the connection to global events came from newspapers and the radio. It was on that Sunday afternoon, many were alerted to this broadcast bulletin. “We have witnessed this morning the attack of Pearl Harbor and a severe bombing of Pearl Harbor by army planes, undoubtedly Japanese,” WCAE radio in Pittsburgh reported that afternoon. “The city of Honolulu has also been attacked and considerable damage done. This battle has been going on for nearly three hours.”

In the days to come, life changed greatly on the mainland as the salvo forced the country’s involvement in World War II. Hundreds of thousands of men headed for battle. Women became the backbone of the U.S. workforce.

Kirk L. Miller, county commander for the American Legion, wrote about this attitude in a commentary on Wednesday in this newspaper. “Those born and experiencing this time in our history saw the resolve of America,” he said. “They saw how such actions against our own people could muster a nation to come together in a rapid effort to build, supply, and fight the evil-doers of the world. To make that commitment with unselfish thoughts of returning a stable peace to the globe.”

That attack shook our spirits, but never defeated this country’s will. We must not forget the pain of 82 years ago. It began a resiliency that remains a vital part of this country today.


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