
Council Should Pursue Splash Pads Before A New Dog Park

Jamestown’s parks stand to get some upgrades with some of the city’s $28.3 million in federal stimulus funding.

One project that should be revisited — both in terms of funding and in terms of scheduling — is a proposed $250,000 dog park in Bergman Park.

First, let us state the obvious. For a quarter of a million dollars, that had better be the best gosh-darned dog park ever constructed. Jamestown seems to be aiming higher than the dog park installed in Lakewood several years ago, but there’s one big difference between the two. Lakewood’s dog park started as a grassroots effort by dog lovers to build the park. The community helped raise money for the dog park in Lakewood and, rather than build a doggie Taj Mahal in one year, Lakewood officials have added to the dog park over the years. It’s an approach we’d encourage Jamestown to consider.

That brings us to scheduling.

Those who visit Bergman Park with any regularity know the park is already a popular place for dog walkers — but there hasn’t been a huge outcry for a dog park there, either. There has been a lot of public discussion from parents who have been advocating for a splash pad in one of the city’s parks. Background work had been done by former Mayor Sam Teresi and his staff before he left office. And yet, splash pads in Jackson Taylor Park and Allen Park aren’t being funded this year.

A dog park in Bergman Park isn’t a bad idea. But a splash pad for children to use during the hot months is more of a pressing issue than the dog park. We’d prefer the city pursue the splash pad first and then the dog park in future years. It’s is a simple change that the City Council should make that would make city parents quite happy.


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