
GOP Should Help Bring Amazon Jobs Back To New York

Republicans statewide made great political hay after Amazon chose to end its dalliance with placing a headquarters in Long Island city.

With news surfacing that Gov Andrew Cuomo is trying to resurrect the deal, Republicans should engage themselves in the effort. Not only could Republicans bring their already-stated concerns over the amount of state incentives in play and the process — or lack of process — used to approve the incentives to the table, they could make themselves a useful ally to the governor to a project that could actually help New Yorkers.

It would obviously have been better for upstate New York if Amazon had been located in Rochester or Buffalo, but jobs are jobs. Bringing high-paying jobs to New York City does help upstate — look no further than this years didappointjng income tax receipts for proof. Good paying jobs at an Amazon headquarters will help the state’s tax collection efforts and, perhaps, show other tech companies that New York is a place where you can do business, even if the state has to pay through the nose for you to do so.

Democrats’ infighting gave Republicans a chance to make their political points last month. Now is the time to govern – and sometimes you have to do that by working for the greater good of the state rather what generates the best material for a snappy news release.


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